
Struggling with project management? Do your projects feel like chaos?

Our no bullshit expert articles tackle common project management challenges and offer practical tips to ensure your projects succeed. Occasionally, articles about other topics as well.

Project Management in Trouble? Here Are 5 Important Things to Consider in Case of Staff Changes, Holidays, or Illness

Anyone who has managed projects knows how critical it is to ensure seamless continuity, stay on schedule and achieve goals, no matter the situation.  When faced with a personnel change, there are no days to waste, let alone weeks or months. Costs are running, pressure is high, and a lot is at stake – whether […]

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More Efficient and Effective Project Management: Succeed with This Checklist 

Project management is something we at Semat can be very proud of in terms of our skills and experience. Our clients’ projects can be very extensive, both in scope, budget, and complexity. We have some of the most skilled project managers and leaders in Finland on our payroll, with solid experience in successfully managing projects.  […]

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