Privacy Policy

1. Data controller    

Semat Oy  
Äyritie 8 E  
01510 Vantaa 
Y-tunnus: 2056286-0 
Puh. 010 322 8890  

2. Register contact person  

Heikki Mikkola  
Semat Oy  
Äyritie 8 E  
01510 Vantaa 
Puh. 040-7203513  

3. Register name  

Semat Oy's customer, marketing, and employee/job applicant register "hereinafter referred to as Semat Oy's personal data register". 

4. Purpose and basis of personal data processing  

The purpose of processing personal data is to manage and develop customer, recruitment, or personnel relationships, to produce and develop the service, to inform and communicate about the service and products, and to conduct statistical monitoring and invoicing. The basis for processing personal data is then a contractual or service relationship and/or consent. 

The purpose of using the personal data of Semat's potential customers is to conduct sales and marketing activities of Semat's services, such as sending marketing messages by e-mail and reaching potential customers through communication tools. The processing of the personal data of our potential customers has no other effects than targeting communication. In this case, the processing of personal data is based on Semat's legitimate interest.  

The data is not used for automated decision-making or profiling. 

5. Register data content  

The following information about customers and potential customers is or may be collected in Semat Oy's personal data register:   

  • The first and last name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, generally available classification information, and information on marketing permits and prohibitions of the contact person or contact persons or other natural person (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") who is or is a potential business customer of Semat Oy; 
  • Classification data provided by the customer himself;  
  • Customer's IP address or another identifier;   
  • Customer feedback information provided by the customer; 
  • Customer's order, billing, and delivery information; 
  • Information collected about the customer through cookies; 
  • Information collected about the customer from social media channels, such as the identifier of the social media channel; and 
  • other information collected from the Customer with his consent. 

The personal data register of Semat Oy processes and maintains the personal data of employees and job seekers to manage employment relationships and fill open jobs. The information processed varies, and can typically include, for example, the following information: 

  • First and last name 
  • Contact information 
  • Date of birth 
  • Education and degree information and language skills 
  • Work experience 
  • Competence 
  • Salary or salary request 
  • Information necessary to manage the employment relationship (such as social security number and bank details) and to fulfill official requirements 
  • Other information about the Semat employee accumulated during the employment relationship 

6. Regular sources of information    

As a rule, personal data has been obtained from the following data sources:   

  • Directly from the registrant himself or herself to manage the customer relationship.   
  • Directly from the registrant himself or herself as part of another cooperation relationship.  
  • Registrations and contacts made by the customers themselves when participating in marketing campaigns, online surveys, and contacts arranged electronically by the data controller, downloading data packages.   
  • From public/generally available sources (such as the internet and trade register).   
  • Customer data collected by external service providers (e.g. AlmaTalent data services).   
  • In addition, information is obtained through cookies or other similar technologies on the website (  
  • Data is also collected with the help of the analytics tool - Google Analytics, the purpose of which is to monitor the site, develop it, and plan marketing. The collected data cannot be used to identify a single user or person. 
  • User tracking: We use Leadoo's user tracking to monitor how our users move around our website, and we combine this data with user data that is collected through e.g. Chat interactions. Leadoo uses ETag tracking, which technically differs from cookie-based tracking, but which is subject to the same laws as cookies. Please check Leadoo Marketing Technologies Oy's Privacy Policy ( to know more about what is tracked in the system. With GDPR in mind, we act as controller and Leadoo as data processor. If you don't want to be tracked, you can clear your browser's cache. For more information on how Leadoo works, check   

The information about employees and job applicants stored in Semat Oy's personal data register is obtained from the information provided by the applicants themselves, as well as through interviews and personal evaluations. 

7. Data recipients 

Semat processes personal data only within the limits required for the provision of the service. 

When providing the service, Semat may, within the limits permitted by the current legislation, disclose your information to its partners (for example, its accounting firm and system suppliers), who are obliged to process the data only to carry out operations on behalf of Semat. 

As part of data processing, the controller may transfer data to the following recipients: 

  • the data controller's marketing partners and tools 
  • business partners of the data controller 
  • event organizers 
  • Microsoft's cloud services - please note that when data is stored within the European Economic Area, it may occasionally be viewed and processed outside the European Economic Area following Microsoft's GDPR terms and conditions 
  • Storage of data generated from user tracking of our site on Google servers, however, we do not disclose site behavior data to third parties. 

Information about employees and job seekers recorded in Semat's personal data register is only available to those persons who are involved in Semat's recruitment process or participate in managing the employment relationship such as salary payment. 

With the consent of the registrant, the job seeker's information can be disclosed to a representative of the client company in connection with client assignments and potential client assignments. 

8. Data transfer outside the EU or EEA 

As a rule, personal data recorded in Semat Oy's personal data register is not transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. Some of the external services or software providers used by the company may store data outside the EU or the European Economic Area. 

  • Microsoft's Cloud Services - please note that when data is stored within the European Economic Area, it may occasionally be viewed and processed outside the European Economic Area following Microsoft's GDPR terms and conditions 
  • Storage of data generated from user tracking of our site on Google servers, however, we do not disclose site behavior data to third parties. 

9. Register protection principles 

The register is handled diligently, and the data processed through information systems is adequately protected. When registry data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital data security of their hardware is taken care of accordingly. The data controller ensures that the stored data, server access rights, and other information critical to the security of personal data are processed confidentially and only by those employees whose job description it belongs to. 

Any physical documents and storage media are stored in a locked archive that is appropriately protected. 

10. Data retention period   

Semat stores your data in the register following the following principles:   

Customer data is stored for as long as the customer or assignment relationship is valid, or the Customer is a customer of Semat. After the termination of the customer or assignment relationship, necessary data will be stored for a maximum of 10 years.   

The data of Semat's potential customers is stored for direct marketing purposes for as long as the person works on tasks related to the product or service being marketed, provided that the person has not prohibited direct marketing. In this case, however, information may be retained in the case of direct marketing that the person has prohibited direct marketing. 

The data of Semat's potential customers is stored for direct marketing purposes for as long as the person works on tasks to which the marketed product or service is related, on condition that the person has not prohibited direct marketing. Semat may retain personal data for a longer period if applicable law or Semat's contractual obligations towards third parties require a longer retention period.   

Job applicants' data is stored in Semat's personal data register for a maximum of 24 months after the end of the recruitment process unless otherwise agreed with the registrant. The data of Semat's employees is stored while the employment relationship is in force. Information on employment relationships and salary payments must be kept for at least 10 years as the law requires. 

11. General rights of the registrant 

Based on section 26 of the Personal Data Act, the registrant has the right to check what information about him or her is stored in the register. The request for verification shall be sent to the register contact person in writing and the request shall be signed. A person may also request data rectification by written request from the controller. 

As far as the processing of personal data is based on the registrant’s consent, the registrant has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, and to file a complaint about the processing of personal data with a supervisory authority.  

If necessary, the data controller may ask the applicant to prove his or her identity. The data controller will respond to the customer within the time limit set by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (usually within one month). A person in the register has the right to request the removal of personal data concerning him or her from the register ("right to be forgotten"). 


The website uses the following cookies:   

Google Analytics 

Purpose of the cookie: To collect and analyze statistical information about the website for website development 

Google Cookie Policy: 

Google Tag Manager  

Purpose of the cookie: centralized management of tracking tags.   

Google Tag Manager cookie policy: 

Leadoo: User Tracking 

We use Leadoo's user tracking to monitor how our users move around our website, and we combine his data with user data that is collected through e.g. Chat interactions. Leadoo uses ETag tracking, which technically differs from cookie-based tracking, but which is subject to the same laws as cookies. Please check Leadoo Marketing Technologies Oy's Privacy Policy ( to know more about what is tracked in the system. With GDPR in mind, we act as controller and Leadoo as data processor. If you don't want to be tracked, you can clear your browser's cache. For more information on how Leadoo works, check 

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